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Webinars & Videos


The Missing Pieces in The Childhood Asthma Puzzle

The Missing Pieces in The Childhood Asthma Puzzle

Language Icon English
duration icon 1:02:43
Event topic Icon Respiratory, paediatric asthma
Respiratory Respiratory
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John Hamill Frances Barrett Professor Will Carroll

Our experts discuss the challenges in diagnosing childhood asthma, the crucial role of family support and addressing environmental impact of inhaler choice. Join our experts Will Carroll, Frances Barrett, and John Hamill as they delve into these critical topics. 

John Hamill

John Hamill graduated from Queens University, Belfast, Degree in Pharmacy and currently holds the post of Lead Practice Based Pharmacist since January 2017 and has worked as a Community Pharmacy Manager since 1998. 

Maintenance and Reliever Therapy (MART) vs Maintenance

Maintenance and Reliever Therapy (MART) vs Maintenance

Language Icon English
duration icon 06:27
Event topic Icon Asthma Talks
Respiratory Respiratory
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Prof Hans-Joachim Kabitz

Prof Hans-Joachim Kabitz in this video discusses Maintenance and Reliever Therapy (MART) vs Maintenance in asthma management.

Prof Hans-Joachim Kabitz

Specialist in internal medicine and pneumology with additional qualification in internal intensive care medicine, Klinikum Konstanz, Germany.

Appropriate Asthma therapy introduction and optimisation of inhaled therapy in severe asthma

Appropriate Asthma therapy introduction and optimisation of inhaled therapy in severe asthma

Language Icon English
duration icon 05:59
Event topic Icon Asthma Talks
Respiratory Respiratory
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Prof Hans-Joachim Kabitz

Prof Hans-Joachim Kabitz in this video focuses on appropriate asthma therapy introduction and optimisation of inhaled therapy in severe asthma.

Prof Hans-Joachim Kabitz

Specialist in internal medicine and pneumology with additional qualification in internal intensive care medicine, Klinikum Konstanz, Germany.

Pharmacological management of asthma in adults

Pharmacological management of asthma in adults

Language Icon English
duration icon 06:36
Event topic Icon Asthma Talks
Respiratory Respiratory
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Dr Stephanie Korn

Dr Stephanie Korn in this video focuses on the Pharmacological management of asthma in adults.

Dr Stephanie Korn

Dr. Stephanie Korn is the Head of the Clinical Research Centre IKF Pneumologie Mainz, Germany.

Asthma Management in the post-COVID Era

Asthma Management in the post-COVID Era

Language Icon English
duration icon 1:02:44
Event topic Icon Asthma Management in a post-COVID Era
Respiratory Respiratory
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Prof Alberto Papi Professor Carlos Robalo Cordeiro

This on demand Asthma Management in the post-COVID Era talk with experts sharing their best practices and views on treating asthma in relation to COVID and optimising the treatment for patients.

Prof Alberto Papi

Professor of respiratory medicine and

Vice President of the School of Medicine at the University of Ferrara, Italy, and

Director of the Respiratory Unit of the Department of Emergency Medicine at

St. Anna University Hospital, Ferrara.

Professor Papi is also an honorary clinical lecturer at the University of Southampton