The Missing pieces in the childhood asthma puzzle
18:30 Introduction and scene setting - The DAFT Approach - Professor William Carroll (5 mins)18:35 Diagnosis - is it asthma? What is asthma?
The Missing Pieces in The Childhood Asthma Puzzle
The Missing Pieces in The Childhood Asthma Puzzle
John Hamill Frances Barrett Professor Will Carroll
Our experts discuss the challenges in diagnosing childhood asthma, the crucial role of family support and addressing environmental impact of inhaler choice. Join our experts Will Carroll, Frances Barrett, and John Hamill as they delve into these critical topics.
John Hamill
John Hamill graduated from Queens University, Belfast, Degree in Pharmacy and currently holds the post of Lead Practice Based Pharmacist since January 2017 and has worked as a Community Pharmacy Manager since 1998.
Personalised Asthma Action Plan
Environmental Impact of Inhalers
Appropriate Asthma therapy introduction and optimisation of inhaled therapy in severe asthma
Appropriate Asthma therapy introduction and optimisation of inhaled therapy in severe asthma
Prof Hans-Joachim Kabitz
Prof Hans-Joachim Kabitz in this video focuses on appropriate asthma therapy introduction and optimisation of inhaled therapy in severe asthma.
Prof Hans-Joachim Kabitz
Specialist in internal medicine and pneumology with additional qualification in internal intensive care medicine, Klinikum Konstanz, Germany.
Maintenance and Reliever Therapy (MART) vs Maintenance
Maintenance and Reliever Therapy (MART) vs Maintenance
Prof Hans-Joachim Kabitz
Prof Hans-Joachim Kabitz in this video discusses Maintenance and Reliever Therapy (MART) vs Maintenance in asthma management.
Prof Hans-Joachim Kabitz
Specialist in internal medicine and pneumology with additional qualification in internal intensive care medicine, Klinikum Konstanz, Germany.
Pharmacological management of asthma in adults
Pharmacological management of asthma in adults
Dr Stephanie Korn
Dr Stephanie Korn in this video focuses on the Pharmacological management of asthma in adults.
Dr Stephanie Korn
Dr. Stephanie Korn is the Head of the Clinical Research Centre IKF Pneumologie Mainz, Germany.
Asthma inhaler technique & training
Asthma inhaler technique & training
Dr Stephanie Korn
Dr Stephanie Korn covers "inhaler technique & training" in this video.
Dr Stephanie Korn
Dr. Stephanie Korn is the Head of the Clinical Research Centre IKF Pneumologie Mainz, Germany.
Differences between DPI and pMID inhalers
Differences between DPI and pMID inhalers
Dr Justus de Zeeuw
Dr de Zeeuw discussed the differences between DPI and pMID inhalers in this asthma talk video.
Dr Justus de Zeeuw
Head of Pneumology, Rehabilitation Clinic AmKaRe, Germany
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